The mystical, wild and holy power of nature is our muse and medicine. That is why all our products are of 100% natural origin - high-quality, pure, wild-grown. They are here to remind you that you too are wild & holy. Because the most powerful place within you is beyond your mind, beyond logic and beyond words. In a world that often seems disenchanted, Wild & Holy is here to remind you of your own inner magic - that mystical place of your deepest truth, your intuition and your limitlessness.

Hi, I'm Silja, the founder of Wild & Holy. I give 1:1 sessions, retreats, courses & workshops on the feminine & female sexuality. Rituals, mysticism and nature are an essential part of my life and work. At Wild & Holy I share my favorite products from nature that I use in my rituals and that have enchanted and transformed me.
If you are interested in my work, feel free to check out my Instagram or my website.

To know the fire, I become the fire. I am power. I am light. I am forever.
Egyptian Book of the Dead